
Kof 13 terry
Kof 13 terry

kof 13 terry kof 13 terry

I consider it a tidbit because I don't think the Earring Bomb is important enough to add into the video if the combo doesn't do 100% damage. However there was one tidbit I did not include (which people may not know) and that was to fit in a normal version of her Earring Bomb in her combos but since the startup is very slow, it requires a ton of meter to set it up so I couldn't find a way to set up the Earring Bomb and still be able to achieve 100%. I feel most of the improvements were to fill in what I was missing from the old version rather than adjust the combos. Majority of the combos from the old version were already fully optimized in my opinion but I left out some combos that I felt could fill in more of Leona's combo potential. The King of Fighters XIII combo video showcasing what Leona Heidern is capable of, be that old, new, practical or impractical. Resets cooldowns for Active Skills, decreases cooldowns for Active Skills by 80% for 10s.If you liked the video please remember to leave a rating - it helps me out a lot. Increases ATK by 5%, DEF by 5% for 10s upon using skill. Inflicts DMG equal to 100% of ATK to an enemy. Can be used while being attacked (Only while standing) Increases Power Charge Rate by 15% for 7s upon landing a skill. Increases Skill DMG by 50% when Power is 1 or more. Inflicts DMG equal to 828% of ATK to an enemy. 100% chance to break target's Guard upon landing a skill (Ignores target's Guard and disables their Guard for 4s) Enemy cannot Roll for 3s upon a successful attack with 2 Power or more. Inflicts DMG equal to 690% of ATK to an enemy. Gains Super Armor for 3s when using a skill. Inflicts DMG equal to 773% of ATK to an enemy. Increases Yellow element Fighters'ATK by 45% and DEF by 7% Gains Super Armor, decreases DMG received by 30% and becomes immune to effects for 5s when attacked in Guard stance (Cooldown: 20s) Increases all team members'ATK by 20% and Movement SPD by 20% when Power is 1 or more (No Boost/Core/Cards/Gallery/Guild/Awaken boost) Increases Critical DMG by 10% if HP is 70% or more Obtains Power by 2% when killing an enemy Obtains Power by 3% when killing an ennemy Obtains Power by 3% when killing an enemy Increases Power Charge Rate by 13% when Power is 2 or lessĭecreases the base cooldowns of Ultimate Moves by 1.5 second(s) Obtains 20% of Power at the start of the stage Increases ATK by 12% when Power is 2 or lessĭecreases DMG received from enemies by 5% Increases ATK by 10% if HP is 70% or more

Kof 13 terry